People are mysterious

Afifa Rehman
8 min readJun 7, 2024


You hear whispers from others claiming you’re mysterious and they can’t figure you out, and you wonder what they’re talking about.

Perhaps you’ve heard about the allure of mysterious people and wonder if you’re one of them.

To assist you in finding this out, I’ve compiled a list of 15 symptoms that you have a mysterious personality.

1) You are quiet and secluded.

When you stick to yourself, you may not feel as mysterious. Individuals who hide away instead of hanging out with individuals like them, on the other hand, are particularly mysterious to those who emit extroverted impulses.

They would see that you continued to read books alone rather than speaking with them, and concerns would arise. Questions like, “Why is that person by themselves?” Are they sad? “Don’t they have friends?”

These questions may be on point, or they may be so far off that they are comical. But you’re making people ponder. That is very much in line with what it means to be mysterious.

2) You attempt to keep talking about others.

People enjoy talking about themselves, and you are quite content to maintain it that way. You’d try to make the conversation about them rather than you. When they ask you questions like “What about you?” you either remain silent shrug or try to divert the question.

You may dislike talking about yourself, or you may simply prefer to hear what others have to say about themselves. Perhaps you think you’re not particularly intriguing in the first place.

In any case, focusing attention on others creates a sense of mystery. Simply not divulging too much about yourself gives people the impression that there’s more to you than meets the eye. Actively dodging queries gives the impression which may or may not be correct that you have something to hide.

3) You are observant.

But, of course, you’re not just letting time pass you by while listening to good old Johnny tell about how his tractor broke down two nights before. You’re also paying attention to how he carries himself and picks his words.

Essentially, you pay attention. And, whether it’s intuition or an acquired skill, you’re also quite excellent at identifying people based on their body language and aura.

How does this make you mysterious?

All that observation helps you figure out people, and most of the time you surprise them when it turns out you know more than you’ve been letting on.

People will begin to think things like, “Oh my God, they figured me out!” How did they do it? “What else do they know?!”

4) You are calm and controlled.

In the midst of a violent storm, you remain tall and proud. Tempers may be blazing, voices may be raised, and fists may be flying, yet despite this, you manage to maintain a cool head and either defuse the issue or exit the scene gracefully.

Even when there is nothing wrong, you will stand out for remaining calm. On a night out with pals, you would be regarded as the voice of reason. Everyone else would be behaving crazy after their ninth shot of vodka, but you’d manage to avoid making a scene.

But how do you manage to be so calm? What dark and scary past did you have to overcome in order to achieve unwavering self-control? It’s a mystery to you, too.

5) You’re peculiar.

You have eccentricities, and you aren’t frightened of them.

It could be a passion for a very specific topic, a quirky habit or vocal tic that people recognize you by, or simply a proclivity to take on odd tasks that others would dismiss as a waste of time.

Other individuals may feel compelled to suppress their idiosyncrasies in order to be more socially acceptable, but you don’t care. At the same time, you don’t try to be unique for the sake of it, because you don’t see the point.

People will often judge you for your quirks that is just how humans are but it also piques their interest and curiosity. You become an intriguing person that others will try to figure out.

6 ) You are confident.

Of course, all of this is accompanied by a strong sense of confidence. You don’t feel the need to prove yourself to others, and it shows in the way you walk and speak.

When you share what you’ve made or done, you can express things as they are without embellishing your story. You don’t get into disputes online to ‘win’; if you do, it’s because you truly want to engage in dialogue.

This makes people question where you obtain your confidence. Of course, it makes people want to be around you. A lot.

7) You don’t appreciate showing off.

People tend to puff their chests and show the world what they’re capable of or how overinflated their ego is. Go to any social networking site and you’ll see people acting like they’re geniuses who have discovered the mysteries of the universe.

Of course, we know these individuals are delusional. They are living a lie.

In contrast, you don’t make a big deal about what you do or don’t know. And when you have to provide your opinion on something you’re familiar with, you do it without making a big fuss about it. You already have people thinking about you, and being reticent about what you know adds to the air of mystery. People might think, “How can they talk about it as if it’s no big deal?” “I’d brag if I knew what they knew!”

8) You are independent.

You may not think that being independent makes you mysterious at first, but believe me, it does.

You don’t grow desperate for other people’s affirmation or support, nor do you frequently seek help from others. Instead, you make your own path through the world with calm strength.

People often rely on others for emotional support and favors. That is one of the quickest and easiest methods for individuals to connect with and relate to one another. However, if you remain completely autonomous, they will begin to question how they might connect with you.

They wonder and are likely attracted to you.

9) You keep your secrets

Some people have extremely slack lips. You’d advise them not to say anything because it’s a secret, and within a week, almost everyone knows. Yes, it fractures trust, but that is just how things are.

On the other side, you keep all of your secrets in a tight locker and don’t let them out. Your personal secrets are protected, as are those that have been shared with you. No matter how hard they try, your lips are sealed, and they will only get a wry little smile. Or a frown.

I’ve already mentioned that teasing about the existence of the unknown is an important aspect of the mystery mood. Making certain that no secrets are revealed, on the other hand, will drive individuals insane.

On the one hand, it makes you such an enigma that others will be more eager than ever to learn your secrets. On the other hand, it creates a sense of trustworthiness around you. That’s a win-win!

10) You do not conform.

You don’t care whether your actions go against the grain or are diametrically opposed to what society expects of you. You just do not adhere to the expectations and demands imposed by others.

Of course, this does not imply that you will rebel solely for the sake of rebellion. You’re not an anarchist who would exceed the speed limit on the freeway just because you could, or who would wear rags even if they didn’t suit you because society frowns on them.

Instead, when your interests collide with what others think, you choose your own. You may have a fashion sense that others consider several centuries out of date or a hobby that others regard as ‘cringe’ or foolish.

People will look at you and wonder what makes your brain work. Why are you so different, and why don’t you try to be more like others?

11) You have original thoughts.

There is nothing new beneath the sun. If you think you have a unique concept, it’s likely that someone else has thought of it before.

However, most people simply regurgitate or dress up ideas they find online. When they speak, they utilize the exact same terms they have seen someone else use, or they may communicate fully in quotes and citations.

You, on the other hand, present your own reasoning. It makes no difference whether someone else came up with the idea first; you write your own words, conduct your own research, and reach your own conclusions. When people disagree with you on your beliefs, you don’t need to point them to someone else who can “explain it better” since you are the one who can.

And because you don’t rely on others to think for you, your thoughts are often unique.

How does this make you mysterious?

It’s fairly simple. First, you stand out from the crowd by having a distinct flavor.

You’re a can of Dr. Pepper among a sea of Coca-Colas. Second, you leave others wondering where your ideas come from.

12) You are soft-spoken.

Your demeanor can contribute to or detract from your aura of mystery, just as much as what you say or do.

You may retain your secrets or be confident, but if you are loud and arrogant, people will not perceive you as mysterious. They’ll only see a loudmouth, and they won’t even consider you mysterious.

Mellow, restrained, and soft-spoken people, on the other hand, lend themselves to being perceived as mysterious. You may credit the media for portraying mysterious people as quiet and reclusive.

But, hey, if you think about it, perhaps the media created that stereotype for a reason!

13). People listen when you speak.

Don’t assume that being mysterious is the only reason people will pay attention to you. You could have a quiet voice, be an authority in whatever you’re talking about, or simply have charisma and presence.

However, the fact that people stop what they’re doing to listen to you is a very strong indication that they believe you’re mysterious. People listen to what you say because they want to learn more about you and your thoughts. They want to figure you out.

Not that you’ll let them, of course, but they’ll keep listening nonetheless.

14) You always manage to surprise people.

Whatever you accomplish, you always manage to surprise others. We’ve gone over a list of characteristics that can make you appear mysterious to others, and if you think about it, all of them combine to make you a person who can constantly belt out new and exciting ideas.

In short, you’re a pretty unique individual.

And in today’s environment, innovation is so scarce that when it does appear, it always surprises people. Furthermore, people will regard you as mysterious and attempt to fit you into their perception of what mysterious individuals are like.

And your uniqueness makes it impossible for you to fit into that mold. People are never satisfied with what you show them.

Thanks for reading my article.

Have a good day.

